Welcome to the Model Railroading Educational Foundation, Inc. Home Page Dedication!

William Phral William Phral 10/7/75

William Phral, October 1990

This site is dedicated to the memory of William Phral. William's passing left a void in our organization that may never be filled. As the Foundation's elder statesman, he led the group by his strong determination towards excellence! He was the Treasurer of the Foundation's previous incarnation for over 15 years. His gracious gift to that organization, allowed us to form The Model Railroading Educational Foundation. While Bill has been gone for a few years now, he has not been forgotten. One of the proudest claims I can make is the Bill was my friend. Thanks Bill! We miss you!


David Ramos
Past President



Created by David Ramos on 3/6/97 last updated 05/30/00.